I have an extremely deep bond with Pacific Mall as I grew up in the area. Pacific Mall's the closest Mall near my old house and the only one in walking distance.
The mall is a great place for KPOP fans who are looking for recent albums and posters ´**` or Anime fans who are interested in buying stuffed animals or merchandise. ¯\_(?)_/¯
Although there are many cell phone cases stores I do not recommend buying cases at this mall. Why? They're made from cheap quality and are extremely overpriced. GET THEM ONLINE!
Cellphone repairs at P-mall are also a terrible idea. Not only will you be paying way too much for the service, but your phone will probably be in worse condition than it was before! ( -_- ;)
What do I recommend to buy at P-mall? food (2nd floor) .. and BUBBLE TEA! I prefer Ten Ren & Real Fruit but there are also many other different stores. (Chat time, preso)