Yoga here is rock and roll. They literally have disco music going and its competitive yoga. Its actually a nice change of pace from bay area yoga since not every session needs to be a ground breaking journey in self exploration.
Basketball here in late afternoon is rough because the sun obliterates my shooting background. Also, I love playing here because I come so infrequently that no one knows I only have two moves to the basket.
I'm not a star chaser but I do see Michael Jordan and Charles Barkeley here regularly. I have my 91 Olympic Jordans in the car and my AirMax CB's in the car (and a sharpie) but I secretly hope that THEY come up to me and say, "HEY I know you- Don't you eat at PF Changs and shoot that old school runner in the lane?"
The staff is great and they take care of me when I visit. My idea for them is scholarships. They should hand out passes (for hotties like the ones below who wrote Yelp reviews) to work out free on Friday nights or something.
p.s. Check out DC ranch Village up north where they have a yoga room with star in the ceiling