If you don't have a deadline, and you are willing to travel lightly, and you don't mind being stuck in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, and are willing to put up with a nonchalant attitude about your travel, and you are given a claim check for your bags but no one actually checks your ticket, and buses are way over-used and under-cleaned, and the terminals have limited options for eating even when there are long delays/layovers, and your bags are just out there where anyone can take them, and Customer Service is at a bare minimum or non-existent and . . . . I actually can think of nothing good about my last trip on Greyhound. And it will be my last . . .
Where's the Customer Service that makes a business one that you want to return to time and time again?
Cheaper than an airline ticket . . . but my advice is stay home or walk to your destination. Definitely not worth the hassle.