Very let down. Preventative has been my pest control company for over 6 years. They have done my weed control on and off for 3 years. In the last 6 months their quality has been terrible. The first 5 1/2 years I had no issues, NEVER needed a respray or had any problems. Now it's not only constant issues, but their customer service is suffering. I called and asked to have Tyler call me back (suppose to be a manager). Never got a call. Called again and had them personally leave him a note, and have him call me back. No call. Finally called them and told them I was dropping their Pest service and would be dropping their weed service too when the contract was up, because they refused to get back to me and try and resolve some issues. THey didn't seem to mind and said "okay, sounds good".
This sucks, because I really liked the guy that normally sprayed (owners son, not the creepy guy that asks personal questions and shows up unannounced), and now have to hire another company I know nothing about to start the process over and fix the issues that Preventative has neglected. I hope you all have a better ending than I do.