Don't get me wrong - the portion off of Bruce Trent Park is awesome. But I'm not digging the newest addition that is closest to me. It starts in the middle of Alta sort of near the Suncoast. I parked at the Suncoast and walked over to the entrance. But no sidewalk and lots of vegetation. So I had to walk in the street. Super annoying.
There is a sidewalk on the opposite side of the street but even if you live off of Alta, you have to walk forever to get to the crosswalk. And the crosswalk basically ends at a brick wall. Poor planning.
From Alta the trail goes about 0.5 miles, if that. And then you have to walk up to the east entrance of the Suncoast and cross the street again. Grrr. Drivers are not very nice to pedestrians in this town. And to top it off, there is a tunnel that goes under the street but that is only for the golf course. So until the golf course closes or lets people cross their property, this portion of the trail will just suck.
It'd be a pretty good trail except for this stupid, useless link with the crosswalk to nowhere at the end. This link serves absolutely no one. Not the nearby neighborhood, not Suncoast - it serves no purpose. Just start at the park off of Durango or at Bruce Trent.