I deeply regret the confidence I once placed in dr. fodel, and wish I had not referred other clients. I am a licensed practitioner myself and I serve the greater area of Charlotte. I was forced to file two formal complaints with the NC Chiropractic Board and Federal Dept. of Health and Human Services for violating patient privacy laws. After being her patient for three years she is evasive, has ignored five phone calls I made to her, and would not share the name of her privacy officer when I asked for my medical records. She denied my request for records several times. Concealing medical records is illegal, and when your work is legitimate, transparency should never be a problem. Dr. Fodel has blurted to me about another female patient improperly, and has been short and condescending when i have asked personal health questions. She gets annoyed when you ask things more than once and insists that you take your own notes. I experience my medical doctor with more compassion and self-respect. As patients we trust our most private details to practitioners hoping they will uphold the highest standards of care. I am firm behind my opinion that she lacks professionalism, and does not demonstrate a willingness to be helpful, transparent, or to abide by state and federal laws.