Don't worry be happy.
The poor waitress seemed so depressed or moody better yet said.
I didn't want to ask for anything, I didn't want her to go all psycho ninja on my ass.
I didn't receive 1 smile from this lady. The whole time I was there I just wanted to leave.
On with the food. I had a Caldo de albondiga, honestly though it tasted like it was from a can. It wasn't all that great. Even I could make this soup better.
The cheesy salsa was It was a spicy salsa with cheese melted inside.
$2.00 for a canned soda because they don't have fountain drinks.
Speedy service is a fact at this joint
Solicitors are welcome
Beer is served cold
Overall this place is clean
For now this places doesn't meet the standards for Mexican, perhaps Salvadorian.
I wouldn't recommend this places at all.