HORRIBLE!. Sad to see one of my favorite regular lunch spots do a 180 and totally suck. Went a couple weeks ago shortly after 11:00 and the restaurant looked empty, yet a couple groups of six in front of us and our group of four were told it would be a 20 minute wait because they weren't staffed yet. WTF? We all left and took a short walk to Coach's Corner (my new favorite). Thought I'd give Friday's a another try today at lunch, don't want to burn myself out on coach's corner. Not real busy inside. Waiter tried to sit us at a table that was in the sun. My buddy and I balked. We asked for a table where we wouldn't totally bake, like more in the shady bar area. He told us that he couldn't guarantee that we'd get good service there. Again, we were like WTF? He said the bartender wasn't in yet, or the 2nd bartender wasn't in. His attitude was fairly arrogant. It almost appears like they've totally given up on the lunch crowd. I hope this review spares somebody the frustration that I've dealt with the last couple times I tried to eat there. I just tried to contact someone via their website but doesn't look like they want to hear about it. You CAN contact them about reserving tables for an event. Like I'd really want to do that now. Way too many places downtown now where your patronage will be appreciated.