If you are a fan of the Bikini, this is probably the best thing that has ever happened to you. They will deliver. Right to Bikini. You can drink your $4 pitcher of hooch whilst scarfing down some deliciousness!
I happened to cruise by here on my bitchin bike on my way to Bikini this Saturday to support the Grand Avenue Festival. I was litterally brought to tears at the convenience of this location.
After imbibing for a while I walked back over to find the coolest, sweetest group of people. The owner was the order taker, and it is obvious how passionate she is about her business.
We ended up with the garlic bread, a cheese pizza, a Philly Cheese steak and a veggie sub for $23. How this is possible, I do not know.
Man was this food good! Seriously! The cheese on the veggie sub was so tasty and the crust was scrumptious.
I was also stoked to hear that they were considering putting in an extra oven to make gluten free pizza and were also considering vegan cheese! They even asked what a good brand was!
A+ Customer Service
A+ Location
A+ Prices
A+ Food
Hellllssss yeah! #NewFavoritePlace
(PS - the review from Michael S was from the previous pizza place. This was closed, someone new bought it, redid everything and this is a brand new place)