Okay, I don't know if other people were forced to sit in the FRONT of the X-Scream or not, but I found it freaking terrifying!
Before heading to Vegas I had looked up the rides and decided that if there was 1 ride I could handle it was Big Shot, and if there was 1 I could NOT do it was X-Scream.
Well the night we went to Stratosphere there were crazy winds, and for some reason they were only running X-Scream. So thankfully we had just gone downtown and drank 2 footballs full of frozen drink, so the liquid courage in us managed to convince us to go for the X-Scream anyway.
We were the only people at the time, so they made us sit in the very front. If you're one of those people that overthinks rollercoasters and other rides, this is a great way to freak yourself out. It's not like it goes that fast, and we only got dipped over the edge twice, but it really freaked me out to be that high up hanging over the edge!
Also, I had to buy the photo after cuz it was so hilarious how terrified I look in it!!!