Las Vegas Premier Paintball is a great place to play whether you're a first timer or a hardcore tournament player.
There are 3 fields currently. 2 scenario and 1 speedball field. The beginner to intermediate players tend to gravitate towards the scenario fields while the more serious players stay on the speedball field. It's easy to find a good game at every level.
The scenario fields have lots of obstacles which makes it easy to move across the field quickly if you're an aggressive player. Or you can take a more stealthy approach as well. The possibilities are limited only to your preferred style of play.
The speedball field is turfed and well maintained and you'll find the more serious players there generally. Almost every game I've watched has had lots of paint being traded and lots of aggressive players diving and moving quickly. Lots of fun to watch and to play in there as well.
The staff is very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. LVPP is very first time user friendly. They make you feel very comfortable with the sport and the rental equipment is well stocked and maintained
The referees on the field do a great job of keeping the game fair and fun. The price for paint is decent and they stock mid to tournament level paint every time I've visited. I highly recommend LVPP for your paintball experience