Wow what a breath of fresh air this place is for my brother. We took him here because this is where he gets his braces fixed in Virginia as well as when he lived in California. He was having some problems with the rivet missing and one of the bars are really sharp digging in his leg. From the time we walked in everybody was very nice and very accommodating. I have to say Jeffrey was so great with my brother and taking care of his braces. He was also able to get the high top shoes we have been looking for forever for his braces since the hanger in Virginia said they could not get them anymore. Apparently all hangers are independently owned and aren't able to order the same things as other hangers. Finally after about five years of wearing low top shoes that are not great for him to walk in we finally have a resolution. I highly recommend if you have any orthopedic issues you definitely go to this location. I want to personally thank Jeffrey again for taking such great care of my brother and I can't wait to go next week to get the molding of his feet for his new custom made shoes.