What do you tell a kid who's got two A's and one C in a semester? You can't commend him for his performance nor can you give him grief for performing badly; after all two A's do count, don't they? And this is what I thought when I got down to review the Bawarchi Indian Cuisine. On one hand, this restaurant provides the most authentic Andhra/Hyderabad food I've ever eaten to date in the Phoenix area. On the other hand, there are things like cleanliness, service, quality etc. (you get the point) which matter, and it is here that this place falters and it falters badly. But the food, especially the biryani and Andhra chicken curry or the lamb chops are very good and very true to their taste. I can't comment on vegetarian food but I believe it won't be very off. So if you are looking for some real authentic Andhra/Hyderabad food, then I think you should head to this place, but then for the reasons mentioned above, you shouldn't hesitate to take a carry out.