Having been to the Beaches version of Ed's, I have to say this Leslieville version didn't have the KID-in-Candy Store feel I so enjoyed on the east end. Along with the weak Blueberry flavour in the Blueberry Pie Ice Cream, I would give this Ed's -0.5 Star less than that memorable one I encountered before. 3.5 *Star*
The register is at the corner spot right in-between the Gelato fridge and the Ice Cream fridge, so while 5-7 customers browse along the stretch of the frozen dessert vicinity it makes the line-up somewhat into mishmash disorganized as I think I took over a gentleman's spot to make my order, sorry Dude!
There was a note that if you want to order Gelato, you'll have to ask for it on the Ice Cream side but even with that it's a bit unorganized. This place almost needed a numerical waiting system like the Butcher counters.