This place is fantastic. We have been here twice and we spend hours here on each visit. My kids are 7 and 5. On the second visit we got the VIP card for $5 to get you an extra $5 in ride/game credit every visit. I have to compare it to Chuck E cheese because of its similarities. I have to say John's has way more to offer. My son is terrified of Chuck E and jumps in my arms whether he is a rat or mouse. John's has a bear, but for some reason he is not as scary. My favorite thing is that you get a card with all of your "tokens" and you can also get your "tickets" on there to redeem prizes. I was always a germ-o-phobe when it came to using all of the coins and my kids would drop them or leave them on the rides. At John's you just swipe and go. I also used tickets to get one of the stretchy wrist bracelets and had them hole punch the players card so that I can attach it to my wrist. So easy! It is nice to have more rides and more area for older kids. There is a good variety with food including pasta's and chicken. The variety in drinks is awesome! They have hot chocolate, coffee, icee's , ice tea and all of the regular soda's as well. They also provide pizza if that is what you are looking for. Bowling, bumper cars and the ride that spins around is a house favorite.