Let's start by encouraging anyone that has not been back since they dramatically increased the size and look of the store should make the trip. The shop now has a very open feel with great lighting and more fabrics, suits and other accessories on the rack than before. Same stellar service but whole new shopping experience.
I've been going to Gus and the family now since 2010 after continued disappointment in the choices, lack of right sizing and poor tailoring of Men's Warehouse and Jos A Bank. Both of those chains would try and sell me what was not the best fit and then poorly tailor it. One always has these buy 1 get 2 free type of sales, but they are marked up so that you ultimately pay the same for less. At Brothers they don't play the markup game and make sure that you're 100% happy with your purchase.
I'm unable to buy off the rack for anything. I'm 5' 8" and fit with a thicker neck and broad chest and shoulders. Everything must be tailored. At Brothers they order my closest fitting size in both slim and standard suits so that the alterations are minimal. It's arrived in a week and tailored by Vickie for pickup the following week.
They really take care of their clients and the quality of work and product is the best value in town. It's not just for the boys though - I see as many women in the store for tailoring and business attire as the men.
You must go check them out and tell them Brett sent you! You love it!!!