I went here to get a Brazilian wax done, my first time doing this. I found their business through Groupon and thought I would give it a try. The ladies were very nice and the place was very clean. My esthetician's name was Mary Claire. She was a very sweet girl and tried to make me as comfortable as possible (as comfortable you can get with a stranger looking at your vagina). My thoughts were that I would go here, have to endure some pain for a beautiful result, but that's not what happened. After going through the expected pain one has when waxing a sensitive area like that the final results of my wax was very disappointing. It wasn't until after she claimed she was done that she told me that a lot of my hairs were too short to wax. I feel like as a professional, someone who does this on a regular basis would see that and then tell me I would be better to reschedule after a week or so to get a better result. When I looked at my lady area it looked like I had the mange. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a skin condition that causes patches of hair to fall from your pets body..... not pleasant. Even though I used a Groupon for this service I still had high hopes for a better experience. I ended up just buying a fresh Venus razor and shaving it myself, which looked a million times better than my so called Brazilian wax.