I am a Magic player who used to come here regularly back in '06 and '07. They had a case for magic singles and binders of rares. Not anymore. Gamer's Inn has devoted all their magic singles sales to their online store. Since they got rid of their computer room, the interior decor looks terrible.
DO NOT buy the "instant MTG collection". The value of the "random" cards in the box are maybe worth half of what they charge for them: $70 for about $30 worth of jank rares, and useless commons and uncommons. You are not allowed to look at the cards until after you buy them; meanwhile, the staff has already Pre-sorted the cards "to guarantee you get a certain number of rares, etc". In other words, THEY know what is in the box (i.e., junk) but YOU don't get to know until they have your money- and no take-backs! Selling bulk cards is a perfectly acceptable way to dispense of low-value cards- but slapping a "random cards" label on them and inflating the price is a con game. Too bad, I used to really like this place.