For me I want my flight to be safe and smooth. I'm not looking for a fancy restaurant in the sky. This was my first time flying Frontier and I was little weary after reading all the negative reviews. Overall I had a fine experience and would fly with them again if I found another smoking deal. It's true what others have said; you do pay for EVERYTHING but if you READ the website when you are buying the ticket it's all very clear.
I choose to challenge myself and pack only a personal item ( I brought a small tote bag and was fine) and like someone else said- the experience of traveling with only a small bag is very freeing.
I prefer an aisle seat so I paid an extra $6 to pick my seat. This was VERY clear on the website so I wasn't surprise to see the ticket price raise.
For my flight from Phoenix to Denver the crew was friendly and the flight arrived early. I had read about the overpriced drinks and snacks for sale but learned my lesson after paying $3.50 for a Sprite in the airport then seeing I could have bought one on the plane for $2.
The seats were airplane seats, which aren't known for their comfort on any airline I've flown before. Yeah the tiny tray is seemingly pointless, but again, for a short flight I had no need for it.
My flight back to Phoenix took off a bit later than planned but we still landed on time. The crew on that flight was a bit less friendly but that's ok, they are not there to amuse me.
My final thoughts are that for my 1.5 hour flight from Phx-Den this was totally fine. If I were to fly a longer haul I may consider an airline that had wifi and/or in flight movie options. But my end goal of a safe, smooth flight was achieved at a lower price than any other airline I could find for a Memorial Day weekend trip.