| - My husband and I had dinner on 25 Oct. We ordered the usual ... guacamole/chips and pizza blanco. Since I don't drink alcohol, I ordered a virgin frozen margarita with salt. When my drink arrived, it didn't look like the other virgin frozen margaritas I have had at the restaurant in prior visits. I asked my husband to taste it to make certain there was no alcohol in it. He said he couldn't taste alcohol but he thought it tasted different than usual. We ate our dinner and requested the check. My husband finished his beer and I drank some of my drink that was no longer frozen but melted.
Within just a few minutes, I was breaking out in a terrible allergic rash before I left the restaurant. We immediately drove home (a few minutes away). The rash was now appearing all over my body and my eyelids were swelling. I was having difficulty breathing. My husband took me to the hospital. After being discharged many hours later in the wee hours of the morning, my husband drove me home.
Mid day I drove to Nando's to speak with them. In particular, I wanted to speak with the bartenders. Three or four people came to speak with me. They informed that there had been no changes in the recipes for guacamole or for the pizza blanco. They also informed me that what most probably occurred was either a frozen pina colada had been given to me OR there was "cross-contamination" when the bartender did not appropriately cleanout the blender when making my drink and there was remnants of a pina colada in the blender.
I purposefully order a virgin frozen margarita because there should be no pineapple juice or crushed pineapple in it. PINA COLADAS CONTAIN PINEAPPLE!!! Because of medication that I take daily, I also do not eat or consume anything with grapefruit as it conflicts with my meds. I informed the people that were talking with me that I am EXTREMELY ALLERGIC TO PINEAPPLE. I also informed that I was just discharged from the hospital and had to pay a substantial hospital deductible amount at the time of my visit. I showed them the hospital bracelet tag that I had just removed and had in my handbag.
To my complete surprise, the general response from the people speaking with me was astonishing. Pineapple was in my drink and that was all they said. If I owned or managed the restaurant, I would most definitely have made an offer of compensation ... for the hospital charges, for the dinner we just had (the receipt was still in my handbag), or an offer of a future dinner at the restaurant. Nothing ... or should I say NADA!!
If Nando's cannot be more careful and particular with what they are serving, this is no longer the restaurant for us!