The 20th T & T Supermarket in Canada and 6th in the GTA area has opened June 10th in the Richmond Hill area.
Since it is only the 2nd day after their grand opening, this place was packed... long lines at the cash...and people everywhere..!!! I kept running into people, bumming into everything, shopping carts hitting me...
The Chinese grocery selections was comparable to other T & T locations. As this Supermarket is located in more cultural mixed residential areas, there are also a good selections of Filipino food and even has a Deli Corner that selling cheese and deli..
As T & T has now be brought out by Loblaws, similar shopping bags policy has been adopted, 5 cents per bag or bring your own!
My Mango Tapioca Cup is on special for $1. Great as a light dessert... liquid dessert!
Oh and their bakery has much better offerings than the other T & T I been to... A Burger looking Chocolate mousse cake ($20).. I know what to get Brian Y for his birthday!! :)