| - I like the location and the serving ladies are lovely. Nicole and Erica were absolutely lovely people. However the reason for this bad review is because of those dresses.
Yah I get it. They are super short, and super shiny, and super revealing. Perfect for attracting the Double-D Douchebag that will throw down lots of money on tips and alcohol and propose marriage on first contact.
Hey manager if that is what you want...Asshat single men, and dudes staring at your cocktail waitresses who are there with their wives or girlfriends then by all means... Keep this up. This place did not follow the vibe of the whole Red Rock Casino in my opinion and that is why Lucky Bar is getting this review.
Do they look great? Yah on some they absolutely do...on others, well they try their best but you know it is a METAL DRESS!!! Do you even understand what is behind such a piece?
To the man who determines the ladies uniform, I say it is time to go consult with a professional fashion designer on a new outfit for these women.
These are metal dresses which means a host of problems.
1. The can not be altered...That means they look good on some and terrible on other ladies.
2. The ladies feminine attributes come in contact with metal all the time. Which you might think is not a bad ordeal, but it is. Why?
How often do those things get cleaned? Does anyone but the manager know? I bet it is not professionally cleaned every time they are worn...That would cost a fortune.
Allergies, Bacteria....Wonder if any of those women have ever got a rash from wearing them... I mean that is work place endangerment right there...Can you imagine if one girl had any kind of skin condition and the whole crew got it? I mean think about a staph infection...HIGHLY TRANSFERABLE and EXCEPTIONALLY HARD TO KILL!!
So in order to save money on cleaning, and try to keep this thing sanitary what are they doing? Steaming? Not likely because it is metal and that would lead to the breakdown of the dress...So then some chemical spray? I don't know but there are only so many viable options. So after the cleaning the lady gets to walk around sweating on that metal, while her pores are open to the chemicals they use the night before to clean the dress? Come on really?
3. The fit and preparation means most of these woman are using double sided tape to get the dress to stay in place and look nice...Which I should not have to even discuss the dangers of using an adhesive on the most sensitive areas of a female body over the long term...Seems obvious if she worked for you for a long time and developed breast cancer from wearing double sided tape for 3-5 years who would be on the blame line for that one...Seems to me it should be obvious...I know it, why doesn't the person in charge of their uniforms consider it?
4. They are metal...Did I mention they are metal? So they weigh a lot!! I bet these dresses weight 6-10 lbs, and they fasten around the neck...Which means all night, every night, you have 10lbs or more hanging around your neck...You may not think that is a big deal, and for a few months it certainly is not. However when you add that up over years, it can certainly hurt the posture. The constant contortion and contraction of muscles required to hold this dress in place will absolutely affect the posture over time, opening the bar to lawsuits, medical damages, etc. Why even chance that liability? If I were a lawyer I would be scouting these girls and giving them medical advice to go get documented with chiropractor sessions, therapy, and medical records over the long term so when the problems come up (which they definitely will) those ladies can present a well documented case against the bar.
Let us look at this from a triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit.
Your Social Profit:
UPDSIDE: You have a bunch of men drooling over the ladies who are MAYBE spending more because of it.
DOWNSIDE: You are using a dress which requires the women, to be constantly adjusting, readjusting, moving, placing it to look at all decent and cover their assets enough they don't feel completely awkward which results in lower confidence and worse attitude by the women who are instantly defensive, and can you blame them? They also have to worry about long term injury.
Environmental Profit:
DOWNSIDE: They use lots of input for little output, and require chemical cleaning in order to prevent bacterial, fungal, and viral outbreak. Thumbs down.
Economic Profit:
UPSIDE: Maybe they get the customer to spend more?
DOWNSIDE: They are very expensive and put a huge financial burden on the women wearing them.
Look manager. I get it. It's sexy!! But there are SOOOOOO many options to make these ladies look stunning, and this is one of the worst ways to do it for their health. Take the initiative and fix it before the Social Profit you are in the red bleeding from, forces you to take corrective action.