What makes Ranch Market so great is that it creates a fantastic experience for its customers. When you enter through the sliding doors for the first or thousandth time, you immediately understand what Ali Baba must have felt when he uttered, "Open O Simsim". For if you've entered through my favorite entrance (the West entrance), you'll be flanked by rows of 7' glass pillars filled with bejeweled pastries for sale. The experience only gets better from there. Truly, Ranch Market is more of a destination for me and less of a stop. Highlights for me, include but are not limited to:
- having a smoothie made for you from fresh fruit and vegetables that are both peeled and pureed for you
- a produce area that reminds you of that great farmers market where the wooden carts are pilled high with produce so fresh you can feel the earth still holding on to the vegetables
- fans dancing throughout the store with streamers hanging from their blades
- a cafateria style food service area that rivals most modern mexican restaraunts
- ceviche that both tastes like the ocean and smells like limes hanging on tree