| - The introduction of a P.F. Chang's in Montreal is kind of a big deal. It's not as simple as a big box American chain restaurant setting up shop in my backyard, if the food is good, then I'm going to write about it.
I felt like it was my civic duty... my ethnic obligation, as a Chinese Montrealer whose roots run deep. This is why I decided to write about P.F. Chang's; my emotional attatcment to chinese community - 'authentic' chinese food is abundant around our city and this is how P.F.Changs is marketing their brand, they don't claim it to be the most 'authentic' in the land.
However, accessible, approachable and the bottom line is, this restaurant is a Chinese "bistro".
It appeals to a very distinct demographic of people, and that's ok; with ver 230 restaurants world wide, Mr. Philip Chang is obviously doing something right. For what it's worth, the food was tasty and decent... coming from a Chinese guy, who knows Chinese food, has been raised on Chinese food, eats Chinese food and Chinese food Chinese food.