| - The last time I had gone to Joe Rockheads was when I was high school, and I remember thinking "jeez, people here are so old!" Liberty Village was also a very rundown area back then. So, lo and behold, this time coming to Joe Rockheads in my 30s, and everyone all of a sudden looks like a young whippersnapper. Jeesh!
Beyond feeling like a fogey, Joe Rockheads remains one of the best maintained climbing gyms in Toronto. It never smells, the staff are nice, and I don't find it as busy as other climbing gyms. The routes are also challenging - as someone who has to keep starting from scratch again and again each year (I am really bad at keeping a regular pace on climbing) I wish there were more 5.7 level routes, but it is nice that they do have a couple challenging 5.8 and 5.9, 5.10 ones as well.
The facilities have also been kept up really nicely - I am amazed that even after Liberty Village has been gentrified with rents going sky-high, Joe Rockheads has been able to keep up their space! Glad it is still there.
PS. At any given time there are lots of guys climbing there who I think might be Spiderman. True fact. How are people so nimble?!?!