Here is my thing.. the farm is beautiful and sprawling and free to get onto. It has a great play area for kids with hay and dried corn to play in. Still free. This is a nice environment. Beyond this you start to pay and that is not really a bad thing... they need to make money, right? So the corn maze is very well done, and goal oriented. Find 4 posts spread in the maze, use the different hole punches in each to prove you made to all four. The Tractor ride is okay, might be better at night.
So then they have the pumpkin choices... you can... buy pumpkins individually... i think it's something like 37 cents per pound (we got 2 pumpkins, 47 lbs total, for about $17. OR, you can try your luck as.. How many can you carry.. so you pile up how ever many you think you can manage.. pay $10.. and you get what you can lift AND hold. Caveat... if you manage only two steadily and the others fall.. you get those two. So... for me... I would check both areas, find the largest best pumpkins in the All you can carry, and walk out with two and save myself $7. Or go to Marc's and pay like 3.69 per pumpkin. That's just me... but for the experience of letting my boys each pick out the pumpkin they wanted it was nice and worth it.
Over all, it's a bit pricey but a good family day and one we have done every year since being here in Ohio