| - No choice but to agree and I'm a regular there. The gym is musty! When u walk in it smells musty. Especially when you go out to other La Fitness centers, this one is by far the most musty smelling unhygienic dusty unwashed center I've seen. Sorry but its the truth. I don't mind it as much as other people pretty sure and I understand the whole concept of we come to workout Our sweat leaves the place like that, but, we also go home and shower. Why does it feel that this place never gets showers? If you put yourself in the shoes of a profession u must have a standard to meet , just a tad bit push of integrity on focal points , adding cleansing as part of the main agenda and goal would make a lot of these negative reviews go away
Oh and one more suggestion for the entrance employees, you guys, giving a friendly greeting goes a long way. Thank you.
Now here are some Pros:
Great set of free weights, Basketball Court, Sauna, A Nice Size Pool, Racquetball, RunMasters, Recently integrated KnockOut Fitness Boxing classes, which is pretty cool , good job of making the place more versatile.
In conclusion , good center just cleaning and a bit professionalism would make this place great.