| - Warning: I'm unhappy & haven't had coffee yet!
We have always liked the Silverton for the buffet and playing poker when we come to town but we have never stayed at their hotel. The rooms are reasonable and we had no trouble getting a room on a Saturday night. We checked in but didn't get to the room until late because of some business we had to do. I knew there was no fridge or microwave because they want you to eat at their restaurants ...but this is awful!!
(Playing scary music) We woke up and found they don't put coffee makers in the rooms at the Silverton. WTH?? I grant you the rooms are reasonable but I can sit at any slot machine or gaming table and get a Bloody Mary within 10 minutes! (or soda, coffee or most other drink) But they think their patrons can go without basic items in the hotel room. I had to get up, get dressed and take the elevator and walk across a smelly casino (the smoke is bad there & not fun first thing in the morning) to the cafe where or Starbucks to get coffee. I stayed at a Days Inn in Reno and got breakfast! Oh, and coffee in the room.
Whoever thought that one up should be fired. Whatever the trumped up Ammenities Fees are-they should cover coffee. Let me chose my amenities-we don't use the shuttle (as I'm sure most don't), or the pool, the fitness room, or the wifi so we get nothing for our Ammenities Fee.
The bed had springs pushing into my hip all night and was totally uncomfortable. And to get to our room we had to go up the elevator and walk all the way to the end of the hall-then turn right and walk all the way to the end of that hall-yep, then turn right to the very last room. It was ridiculous. And they have people who, after having a few, probably couldn't find their way back to their room! This is Sin City after all
So, I'm sure you've guessed that we won't ever-never, ever, ever stay at the Silverton again. We are cutting up our players cards right now. The Southpoint Buffet is better anyway if you're on that side of town.