| - Used to come here a lot for lunch since it's not a far drive from work. But now I actually have friends to eat with and we do the democratic thing and vote so this place never made it to the top of the pops. Anyway, one time we were voting and some scary hole-in-the-wall stray-cat-serving buffet type place was mentioned and I refused to go. I'd rather eat at our workplace cafeteria than there! I know a better place if we're doing the buffet thing, I told them. Of course, better doesn't mean a whole lot when it comes to buffets. So we ended up here and everyone got their fill. One dude went to town. One dude wouldn't eat anything where the food was labelled only in Chinese. The rest ate normally. I avoided the sushi. Never know when you're gonna get Chairman Mao's revenge. Yeah I know - TMI. Lunch offerings don't usually include the crab legs, escargot, crawfish, frog legs, and some other stuff that would make most kids go EWWWWWWWWW! Ok, maybe some adults too. You can usually get those items at dinner though. But it's pretty much Chinese buffet usual suspects. Some sushi as well. We were sitting at the north end of the restaurant and we all noticed some unholy odor after a while. We all pointed at each other in "who cut the cheese" fashion but really, it was coming from the restaurant. Lotsa parking - it's in a mall just north of the northwest corner of Arizona Ave and Elliot Rd. You're mileage, as always, may vary.