I went to this speakeasy styled bar this past Friday night with high expectations. A destination stop along our downtown drinking trek of my fellow Masshole brother and I, we happened upon the C around 6pm to a flamboyant DJ playing forgettable tracks. Not a good start. The adorable waitresses seemed understaffed for the crowd on hand, but reinforcements soon arrived. The interior of the C is impressive, and worth the visit alone. Saw my share of "first dates" this night. Beautiful, tall, raven haired cocktail server arrived as we were leaving.... never have had much luck downtown. I ordered a Jameson's infused drink called "Men in Tights" that was nothing special. Stick to the classics folks.... Beer/Wine/ and shots. Remember to tell bartender, "Ted Williams is better than Mickey Mantle" and that will earn you a free Patron shot. Stay thirsty my friends!