Add me to the chorus, I loved my first visit to Sushi Momo! This is vegan sushi that any food-loving, adventurous friend will enjoy. (We were a group of non-vegans, everyone dug it.) Just try a bunch of stuff. Go on a trip. You'll like some things better than others but honestly, it's all good.
If you're in a group like we were I think the chef's choice sharing menu is perfect. We had almost a dozen different rolls so I felt like we got a great introduction to what vegan sushi can be. We shared a lovely bottle of wine which the host discounted for us on the spot for some reason, and our service came with vegan jasmine ice cream as well. A simple lovely closer.
In summer I would sit where we were again, up in the small raised area by the door. In colder seasons I'd love to tuck down into the warmer, cozy area by the bar to watch the magic happen. Look forward to coming back soon!!