Oh Trader Joes, I liked you and you spit in my face. I can't even begin to describe to you how upset I am at this company. I am a vegetarian, who even when I ate meat, hated fish. I purchased edamame from here and I can't even tell you how bad the stench of rotting fish was. After closely examining more of their products I have at home ranging from hummus to frozen veggies I saw an allergy disclosure that the products may be processed where they also process nuts, fish, and shellfish? What, how weird...I'm used to seeing the nuts but fish? And the fact that my soybeans smelled so bad, my boyfriend confirmed, can only mean that there was cross-contamination of their products. OMG! I am so mortified to eat from here. I immediately sent a concerned email to them through their main site hoping to get an apology or explanation like a possible issue of this in a plant and something along the lines of you are an appreciated customer...blablabla. Nope...took days and days for a response. No opener...just went straight into some corporate bologna about the product disclosure. No apology, just a cold slap in the face basically telling me to F off. I have never been so mad...especially since this was from the main office. I wrote them again after the awful response and don't expect to hear back. I hope someone from Trader Joe's reads this and knows that this is why you get a star (I wish I could give you none) and why you have lost my business. Oh and why would you market products to vegetarians if your vegetables are processed with FISH! Uh! OMG! So upset!