Watch what you sign! They will trick you into a five year contract without saying anything about it. Read the fine print even if the guy is standing right in front of you and he's telling you it's "just like the thing you sign for cable TV". It's not!
If your job causes you to need to relocate they will try to bully you into paying 75% of the remaining time even though you will be receiving no service from them. Nobody thinks they will have to move, until they do. Nobody can see FIVE YEARS into the future. That's why reputable companies only use two year contracts.
The only exception is if you move within their small service area, in which case you get to pay them $200 an hour (more than most doctors make) to move your keypad from your old place to your new one. What a caring company right?
If you move outside of their coverage area, they blame you and expect to be paid off. Would you hire a mafia thug to watch your wife and kids? Why not? Is it because they are your friends until you don't need them anymore? Hmm...something to think about.
My advice is to Google their name. Take a look at the Better Business Bureau and Ripoff Report. Make an informed decision about what kind of company you are going to trust with your money and your family's safety for the next 60 months.