We started out our night here at about 9pm. We got carded on the way in and my brother and husband were immediately told that at 10pm sharp - they had to take their hats off because the pub turns into a night club. I guess that should have been the warning to just turn around and walk out right there. But we were meeting some people and we thought we'd try it out.
So we find a table and order a beer. The waitress says, "oh can I see your ID's?" I explain that we got carded at the door. She claims she still needs to see them. Whatever. So since we are from out of state, she has to get a manager to look at them.
For the love of god, I just want a BEER!
5 minutes later the manager comes by and "approves" our ID's. Thanks dude, we make the over 21 cut by like 10 years. Seriously.
The other thing that bothers me about this place is that they have a "DJ" guy who stands there and plays shitty music, yet likes to hear himself talk more than anything. Between EVERY song, he has something to say. This is not necessary, dude. People don't care what you have to say. People are here to talk to their friends not listen to you and your shitty music. Annoying.
At 9:30pm they had a promo where everyone gets a little shot of Guinness to toast to. But WAIT! Not without showing your ID for the THIRD freakin time. Am I in prison here?
10pm comes and the military-like douche bouncers come out. Yelling at my brother and husband to take their hands off even though we explained that we are leaving. Other people were wearing flip flops and shorts and other casual attire. WTH is wrong with a hat? We didn't want to bring down the atmosphere of their club by wearing a hat, so we left.
Hopefully never to return.