| - This review is definitely for the locals...
Now, you have to understand that writing a review for a Dentist is hard because no one is ever excited about a visit to the Dentist. I know when my wife tells me "I scheduled your next cleaning", a chill runs down my spine!!!
I would have to say that my knee jerk reaction to this, is because of bad experiences with Dentists in Las Vegas.
After living in Las Vegas for ten years I have finally found the best family Dentist. Dr. Phan N. Nguyen, DDS,PC (of Town & Country Dental) is the best around. My family has been going to him since he opened his practice.
Dr. Phan is great with adults and kids, making everyone feel very comfortable in the chair! He is a very personable Dentist and really takes an interest in you... During one of my visits, we got caught up talking (as best I could with gadgets hanging out of my mouth) about the video game Halo! Nice... Oh, and ask him about his wood working projects.
His office staff and assistants are just as cool... He even calls my home after business hours, just to make sure there is no lingering pain and to see if everything is OK. That's great service in my opinion!
If you are looking for a new Dentist or are new to the South West region of Las Vegas (Durango & the 215), check out Dr. Phan at Town & Country Dental. You won't be disappointed!
oh, by the way... he accepts CCSD medical insurance :)