I'm very nervous. I will be willing to change the rating after I redeem my groupon for the permanent eyeliner special. I just spoke with the secratary Natasha and she seemed annoyed by my questions. Nevertheless, I found out that Debbie Delaney is the certified make-up artist that will be moving down here from another state but she won't arrive until after 12/22 to the reason why groupon customers can not get the permenant make up done yet. I also asked Natasha if Debbie had a website so I can see her work and she told me to look at Deseret's website. HOWEVER, those pictures posted are from the work of their current permenant make-up artist Marie. After informing Natasha, she told me "oh, yeah that is Marie's work". So again, I asked her to see Debbie's work or website and she preceded to tell me that I was the ONLY customer that EVER asked 8-/ ...I then told her that I saw over 100 customers buy the groupon and that I didn't believe that I was the only one that asked and she laughed and said "it's true" as if I was being annoying. Long story short, I've called twice and can't seem to get any clear answers or links to view the work of the actual artist that will be hired to work on us grouponers so I am afraid to schedule an appointment. The secrataries are not very friendly or INFORMATIVE regarding PERMANENT make-up for god sake! Is anyone else having this problem? or being told to look on their website to view Debbie's work when Marie is the one that actually did the work on the pics shown?