Does this company believe in customer service? Untimely response time to pertinent issues, ignored voicemail/emails, a call center that empathizes, but can do nothing but pass the message on.
My property manager is Gracie Smyth. I spoke with her via the phone apx 2 weeks ago only after going to the office in person were a met an account receivable person whom seemed like he had heard the same story many times before me.
I informed Gracie that I would like to extend my lease. She sent me an email after a lengthy conversation explicitly stating the amount the rent would be per month (in the email she stated "I'll extend this rate to you even though I might get fired"). I replied to her email a few days later after speaking with my roommates and the consensus being we would like to stay another year.
Gracie informed me we could extend our lease electronically (sounds sweet right?!?) and after I informed her we would like it for 1 more year she responded with a simple "Sounds great!"
Here I am still waiting for a response. I've made multiple attempts via the contact information she provided me. (4 calls, 4 voicemails, 4 emails, multiple calls to their call center) all which have gone unanswered and/or ignored, except for the call center.
The call center informed me they had sent multiple emails labeled URGENT and have logged my calls, yet still here I am.
My lease ends tomorrow, I've informed the call center to informed HH that I don't know the amount of my rent and therefore I will not/cannot pay until I have spoken to a representative...
Guess I'll just twiddle my thumbs because I have nothing better to do then wait for when it's convenient for them to get back to me.
No worries Haven, I guess you have more important things to adhere to?