First off.. I was attending a very professional event that brings 30,000+ people to this arena at least twice a year! As we were walking through the security the guards were extremely aggressive. GRABBING drinks and food from your hand and THROWING them on the floor!! One of our top producing leaders was pulled aside and accused of being being thrown out? He was utterly humiliated in front of his team that he represents as they were acting like he was some kind of criminal. Another lady on our team had some team spirit gear, a flag and plastic blow up sound makers, and they sound maker that was again plastic was taken from her and thrown away. Not to mention everyone there just about had one just like it, they singled her out for some bizarre reason and threw hers away. Could not be any less professional. Then we get in to get our wrist bands. There was no direction as to where to go at all so everyone was figuring it out. We found our group, who was at the end of the line, and because we were not in a perfectly straight line the worker thought she should put us in our place and let us know how RUDE we were being!! WOW.
It gets better. Later on that day I went to the hall way to charge my phone (along with just about everyone else). Our speakers were still talking and I figured we could just stand in the hall and look in so we wont miss it. There are curtains closing off the hall from the seats, all of them were open except the one right in front of the plug. So I opened it a little to see it. Again I was put in my place because apparently having that curtain open is a fire hazard and that was "his curtain area and he was told they must remain closed". So I went 10 feet away to look thru the one that was open and the idiot, Mr. Daniel, followed me and closed that one right in front of my face as well. Did I mention that the tickets to this event are $200 a piece!! So we pay $200 to be treated like that!! Everyone on my team (20+) all had at least one bad experience with the workers there. Not to mention there prices for things were outrageous! $4.50 for a small bottle of water!! My goodness.