| - My dread started as soon as I bought the tickets. Check Yelp before not after you buy tickets. Damn. I should have learned that after watching Chris Angell make my money magically disappear the previous summer.
Still, bombs are still my best reviews, so it was a win win either way. Except I thought he was funny, really funny in places. As a disclaimer to the Yelp community, I am neither related to nor employed by Frank Caliendo or subsidiaries thereof
The guy does impressions. If you want to see clowns, see Cirque, but his Morgan Freeman, Al Pacino, Charles Barkley, John Madden and Barack Obama were excellent. His George Bush although old was a classic. (The real joke is on us, because we reelected him).
Let me reiterate: This show is about impressions of Presidents and celebrities...If you want to see someone jump into a cup from the ceiling, head down to the Beligio