If there ever was a spot I would have chosen to miss during the Passport program, I seriously thought this would be it. It's very far from anything I do and has a relatively low average rating. But I knew for better or worse, once I had decided on completing the passport I would have to indeed take the streetcar ride here. It was a stop where I told myself to just get it done with, walked in and yes this place is pretty big with nothing that really stands out apart from an old stove or something and a bookshelf by the far end.
The barista did not look like someone I would trust to make me coffee he didn't seem to fit the "indie look" that most barista's had and there was also pop cooler (a Pepsi refrigerator or something) in the back of the counter. Not very charming I must say.
But I got a latte nonetheless and sat myself down in one of the many spaces available and the barista turned out to be one of the friendliest guys I met while doing this whole thing. Showed me not to judge a book by its covers, and on top of that I didn't find anything wrong with my latte either.
So overall the trip ended up being a far bigger success than I thought it would be. Shame I will not be returning often as like I said, it is a very far distance away for me.
I must note though, the wifi was not reliable at all and he did mention that it does happen frequently and that he'd been meaning to talk to the company about it.