DJ's is probably the armpit of Old Town...and I like it (not that I have an armpit fetish or anything, but you get the idea)!
It doesn't have all the fancy (and for the most part overrated) bells & whistles a lot of the other bars in this area have, which makes it unique. Yes, it's a dive. Yes, it could probably using a good scrubbing. Yes, it offers cheap drinks. I'll take that last one every day of the week (especially on the weekends). In all honestly, I can (kind of) "get" going to some of the nicer bars in Old Town for birthdays, graduations, etc. That being said I think DJ's is a great spot to pop in at for a few rounds to get away from the crowds. It's pretty spacious (there's also a patio) & you can get drinks pretty quickly. If I'm out celebrating these things are important to me, which is why I really like DJ's.