Stay away from these negligent scam artists. 2 stories:
1a. Took in my Accord for repair. The body shop estimated 7 days to fix. So I was given a loaner from Discount rental. Meadowvale Honda would cover costs of rental.
1b. Months later, Discount charged me for the rental. It took me close to one month to get my money back. MH was less than helpful in the effort, and continuously blamed the rental company.
2a. Bought a used Civic recently. Took the car home. Next morning, realized 2 of the 3 keys did not work.
2b. Brought keys and car back to MH. The service team was less than helpful. Finally told me that the 2 keys that did not work, belonged to a DIFFERENT car altogether. How this could have happened is beyond me. It's mind blowing.
I recommend that buyers/sellers/customers looking for a service centre, look elsewhere. MH is disorganized, negligent and unable to compete in a market that requires some level of professional attitude.