Since this place is close to where i live and it showed good yelp ratings i figured i would give it a try. Went to try the veal sandwich and check out their baked goods.
Veal sandwich - 2.5 stars. The veal wasn't tender enough which made it difficult to bite through. I added provolone and onions which was decent, but the onions were sliced pretty big. The tomato sauce was liquidy which makes me think there isn't enough tomato paste. This made the sandwich more soggy than tasty.
Baked goods - 2 stars. I can't comment on the taste since i just checked it out but a handful of the items looked familiar from other bakeries which makes me think that they don't bake onsite. Also there was a lot of condensation build up in one of the cake/cookie fridge which make the food look unappetizing. The only things that looked worth trying was the lemon meringue and the cannolis.
Final thoughts - was hoping for way better but got less than mediocre. Won't be trying out again.