I had a similar experience to Katherine F. I believe it was the same guy. At first, he seemed upset that I just wanted to buy a fresh brewed cup of tea, imagine that! Then I asked for Green tea, he asked "What kind?". So I asked him what kind they had and he said "Well we have hundreds of teas, you can chose one of the many in green". Fine, I chose a Jasmine and his response "Oh well if you want that one, I recommend the higher quality blah blah". Instead I decided I wanted one of their Earl Grey teas, to which he responded "Why would you want Earl Grey". I chose to ignore this as I had my 9 mth old strapped to me at the time and finished my order.
I will say the woman who served me the tea and operated the register was very nice and friendly. However, the other guy needs a serious education in customer service to him