| - Out of all the "Art of Shaving" locations, I like this one the best because they don't put so much pressure on you like the Venetian location does. At the Venetian location you can't just buy one item without them trying to trick you into getting something else.. they always make you believe that they are throwing something in for free, but then they attempt to charge you for it when they ring you up. If you don't pay attention you will be pissed afterwards when you finally check your receipt.
I am one of the few people left on earth who prefers to shave with a classic straight razor. But, accessories for straight razors are quite hard to come by, especially the preshave oils that you need for protection. The straight razor is quite dangerous and extremely sharp compared to the more familiar cartridge razor, so I very much prefer not to shave without the preshave oil. "Art of Shaving" is probably one of the only places I can find a good quality oil.
Unlike the Venetian and Mandalay Bay locations, this place does not have a barber on duty who can give you the classic hot towel shave. That's not too much of a problem I guess because the shaves at these "Art of Shaving" locations are quite mediocre yet cost triple the price of an offstrip barbershop. This location compensates for the absence of a barber by focusing more on selection of razors, brushes, strops, shaving creams, oils, balms, and other shaving accessories.
My personality is pretty lame and I take joy in strange things like Straight Razors. Shaving with a straight razor is practically one of the highlights of my day. The way I see it, anyone can shave, especially with those safety cartridge razors you get at Walmart and Target. But, shaving with an oldschool cutthroat straight razor takes skill, coordination, and concentration. And I guess that's why I love the straight razor because shaving with one is truly an Art.