This restaurant was closed Nov 4, 2016 due to health violations, which include:
Fail to provide thermometer in temperature controlled room/compartment used to store hazardous food
Fail to provide easily readable accurate thermometer
Not washing hands thoroughly before and after handling food
Fail to use basin only for handwashing of employees
Fail to protect food from contamination or adulteration
Fail to cover all food in storage
Fail to use utensils to avoid hand contact with food
Fail to cover hazardous food to prevent contamination
Fail to store utensils in manner preventing contamination
Fail to maintain cutting boards, blocks, tables or bowls in a clean and sanitary manner
Fail to maintain all surfaces clean and in good repair
Fail to use the sanitizing test reagent to verify the concentration of the chemical agent being used
Fail to provide garbage containers with required lids that are insect and vermin-proof
Fail to provide adequate protection against the entrance of insects, vermin, rodents, dust and fumes
Fail to ensure floor of dishwashing area kept clean and in good repair
Fail to ensure floor of food handling room kept clean and in good repair
Fail to ensure wall of food-handling room kept clean and in good repair
Fail to operate food premises in a manner to permit cleaning / sanitary maintenance of walls
Fail to ensure ceiling of food handling room kept clean and in good repair
Fail to maintain ventilation system in a clean and sanitary manner
Fail to maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary condition
Operate food premises maintained in manner adversely affecting sanitary condition