This place is truly a one-stop-shop for all things related to pets. I've been taking my dog (Charlie) here for over 6 years. They probably offer more services than these, but these are what I've experienced so far:
* Veterinary Services = Up until recently I didn't have a regular doctor so I just saw whoever was available because my dog just needed a checkup and/or shots. All the doctors on staff there are very nice and very helpful and seem to really care about your pet. Now that my dog has some health problems I try to see the same doctor. I highly recommend doctor Bjornebo.
* Grooming = Once every 3 or 4 months when I go out of town and leave my dog there in their kennel, I ask that he be groomed. When I pick him up he is clean, smells nice and has a nice haircut. I honestly have no idea who the groomer is but he/she does a very good job. I like it that I just tell the receptionist that I want my dog groomed and they take care of it all before I pick him up.
* Boarding = Every couple of months I leave my dog here when I go out of town for a few days. I have no idea if he likes it or not but I don't get any complaints from him. All the boarding care taker people seem to know my dog because he has become a regular and they all seem very nice. Who knows what goes on when I am not there, but my dog always gets returned in once piece so I can't complain. When you pick your dog up they give you a cute little "report card" letting you know about your dog's stay. They always write that my dog is a little cutie and a pleasure but I think they say that about all the dogs because mine can be a bit of an a-hole sometimes. I always get an inside cage because they throw in an extra walk which my dog loves. I also splurge and buy a "TLC Time" which is extra play time for an extra charge. I'm a sucker..I know.
* Doctor Supervised Boarding = This is like a hospital for your pet if they have semi-serious health issues and you are unable to properly care for them at your home. I had no idea this existed until recently when my dog came down with vestibular disease brought on by valley fever. Basically he was extremely disoriented and couldn't walk or move very much at all. There was no way I could care for him at home so I brought him there for a few days and he was babied by a bunch of doctors and nurses. I was provided with regular status updates and was able to visit whenever I wanted. I was also surprised that it wasn't that much more expensive than regular boarding (under $10/day more I think).
A lot of reviews on here talk about how this place is too expensive. Their services aren't cheap but I can't comment on how much more they are than at other places because I haven't comparison shopped. The prices aren't outrageous (I think) and I like the service my dog and I get so I can't complain. Plus their hours are awesome so that is a plus. I just wish they had some kind of frequent shopper program for boarding, grooming and/or other stuff because I spend so much money there.....