I got a gel manicure on a Wednesday and by Friday 3 of my nails had started peeling. They boast a 10 day guarantee so I went back in the following Tuesday to get them fixed as 3 more had peeled over the weekend. I went during lunch without an appointment and was told they were too busy and come back later. Then when I came back after work I was told it'd be 20-30 minutes at 6 pm. The girl running the front argued with me and told me I was being difficult. I have been going there every 2 weeks for over 4 months but no more! You shouldn't have a guarantee on your product if you have no intention of making it better. I've never had gel peel after 3 days before. The customer service could have made up for the inconvenience of finding time in a busy schedule to get them corrected. But that didn't even come through. Save time and go somewhere else.