| - First review on my Lakeweird list, and boy, is it weird!
It's not really that bad; in fact, it offered a very chilly environment on a sweltering day. But after the initial "Aaaahhh!" the rest of the store left me a bit (and I hate using this word, but screw it) underwhelmed.
There didn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to what went where, with the exception of the 4th of July/Americana decorations. By the way, guys, 4th of July is over!
The store has one of those "baaaa-naaaaaah" sensors that beeps every time someone passes through the door -- or just gets within a foot of it. Places with a "baaaa-naaaaaah" beeper? A bit old-timey and weird to me.
Also, it was VERY quiet for a party store. There was one guy in there who said hello as he was sorting through some stuff, and then another woman there with her kid, but other than the shuffling of feet and the occasional fussing from her baby or mine, not a peep was heard. In a party store! No lively music, nothin'!
I'll admit why I came in: I was on the lookout for Care Bears decorations for Lorelei's first bday party (admittedly not for another couple months). No Care Bears, but they did have Sesame Street, Dora, and all the rest of the regular gang. I guess the Care Bears went out with the '80s.