| - This is a hard review to write b/c the office staff, although I only ever emailed with them, were very professional in terms of their message content and timeliness.
However, the actual cleanings were never great.
Time and time again, things were missed and were still dirty. It never smelled cleaned when I came into the house after they left. I brought it to the attention of the administrative staff, with photos and explanations, the times they missed things (e.g., didn't clean the bathroom floor, didn't take out the kitchen trash, missed pictures, lamps). And Crystal and Sarah were apologetic.
But I finally had to let this company go when they only vacuumed half of my bedroom, did not clean the bath tub (only wiped the fixtures to make it seem clean) and this happened at least twice, and continued to miss lamps and picture frames. I believe it was the owner, Matt, who was very apologetic, but at the end of the day, whoever they had cleaning for them was not adequate. And they never offered any refunds or even to send someone to re-clean. I'm not sure I would've taken them up on the offer but it was never made anyway.